Patrick Shannahan – Four DVD Set


Four DVD Set:

  • Building a Winning Team – Off to a Good Start
  • Building a Winning Team – Headed in the Right Direction
  • At Hand with Patrick – Putting Penning Pressure into Perspective
  • At Hand with Patrick – Sharing the Secrets of Shedding
SKU: PS4 Category:

First in the DVD series, Off to a Good Start, shows how important communication is between you and your pup. You will get to see what training a young dog looks like when it goes well and also how it can go wrong. Patrick will start with a variety of dogs that will demonstrate how pressure, voice, correction and respect work together to develop a relationship with your dog. Once this relationship is formed you will be on your way to Training a Winning Team.

Second in the Series, Headed in the Right Direction continues the focus on clear, concise communication.
Patrick will introduce flanks; demonstrating good flanks while assessing flanks that need work. You will learn the importance of
the gather and how to begin to lengthen your dog's outrun. Patrick will continue to teach you how to develop your dog's good
method on the sheep while working on small fetches. With clear, concise footage, Patrick will explain what he is seeing while training and will help get you and your dog Headed in the Right Direction.

Third in the Series, Putting Penning Pressure into Perspective has Patrick Shannahan demonstrating the proper pressure to pen sheep.This DVD was filmed at training clinics in Oregon and California. Learn along with students in his clinics how to be successful at penning. Watch and see how these methods actually work with footage from two National Finals.

Fourth in the Series, Sharing the Secrets of Shedding demonstrates how to teach the young dog to shed. This DVD was filmed at training clinics in Oregon and California. Learn along with students in his clinics how to be successful at shedding. Bonus section of actual lessons



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