Welcome to Whistling – DVD/CD Set


A great new tool for improving your whistling. Suitable for beginners all the way up to advanced.

In this DVD video and the audio CD that comes with it, Derek presents his two favorite sets of whistles, variations of these whistles, selection of whistles and better communication. Great while traveling!

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Derek Fisher started training dogs when he was fourteen and competed in his first trial at the age of fifteen.  He won his first open trial, the prestigious Sonoma Wine Country Sheepdog Trial in March of 1998 at the age of 17.  That was only his second Open trial with the well known and highly successful Heidi.

Derek and his dogs have gone on to earn many honors throughout his trialing career.

In addition to his success on the trial field, Derek is a well respected judge, trainer, and clinician.  Derek is known for his whistling expertise and is pleased to share his insights on these audios.

Derek presents his two favorite sets of whistles plus common whistles on imported dogs.  He demonstrates the variations of these whistles, why you should use different whistles for different types of dogs, and the importance of better communication through whistles.


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